After 3 days of being sick and passing it to Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Wood, Izzy is finally back to her active, happy little self. Since Mom and Dad are still getting over the flu, Izzy spent alot of time watching Dora and Diego. When Diego comes on, she sings along and runs back and forth in our living room and around the table in circles. She even said she wants a Diego cake for her birthday.

She also enjoyed going out into the backyard with Rocky to enjoy some fresh air. She is so set on "Izzy swingset, party" that she goes to the fence behind our house and forlornly stares at the kids playing on their swingset. I guess that is what she is asking for this year :)

The last pic is a picture of how we caught Rocky and Izzy one night during bedtime. After her bedtime routine, she asks that Rocky be in there for her to fall asleep. This particular night she was having a bit of trouble and invited Rocky to "sleep" with her in her bunk beds! Busted!!