It's Sunday, the baby is finally asleep, and I am relaxing. Isabella and I had a fun but busy weekend. It seems like we feel that the more plans we have the faster Daddy will get home!
Since it wasn't raining on Friday night, my friend, Nikki, and I grilled out. Then we spent the evening watching all the neighbor kids ride around the circle. Isabella tried to join in but she always gets kicked out of her car!

As you can see, she is starting to stick up for herself and pick herself up and get back in....on top of them!!
On Saturday night, Isabella and I went to a baby shower for our friends, Ryan and Andrea. Isabella had a blast crawling around their deck, climbing up and down chairs, and flirting with our wedding singers' little boy.
They were giving each other hugs and kisses (on the mouth, sorry Daddy), but of course never in time for a picture. Here is a picture of V giving Izzy her pacifier back after he just pulled it out of her mouth!
We stayed out so late Saturday night that Isabella didn't get to bed until 10pm. So......she slept until 6:22am. Maybe this learning how to sleep through the night thing won't be so tough.
Sunday we got up, went to church, and then went swimming at Nikki's in-laws pool. Isabella must have learned alot from her swimming lessons because she had "No fear". She was splashing, kicking, and climbing in and out of the pool all afternoon. She had a blast playing with Kirra, Tyson, and Kasey also.