We finally took Isabella to her 1-year checkup last week and her doctor told us that she is in the 97th percentile for height which could explain why she is able to scale the stove, climb up on any chair, and uses anything and everything as a jungle gym. We definetily have a little monkey on our hands :) She also is finally getting some teeth!! She has four on the top and 2 on the bottom. That's alot considering that 6 weeks ago, I think she may have had 2!!
Isabella has been surprising us left and right by the new things she is learning. She can blow at the bubble wand and on her food that is hot. She is running up and down the sidewalk in front of our house. She also likes to play chase and "Run, Run, Run" where she runs away from you. She has recently started to dance to music also. It is really funny. She kind of sticks out her butt and bounces it up and down. Very amusing! We try to get her to do it at every opportunity. She is also starting to sign. She has mastered "more" and "please"; although she chooses to do them only at her own desire.
Her vocabulary is increasing as well. She can say Mama, Dada, gog(Dog), ock(Rock), mine, me, and her two favorite: No and Don't! We are working on new words and body parts and are having a blast watching her little mind grow!
Her is a picture of her and the "gog".......