Fall is finally here and we are really enjoying the nice weather and a break from the heat. Brian is putting in alot of hours with his new job and trying to tie up the loose ends at his old; so we really cherish those moments when we get to hang out as a family.
Izzy and I have been spending alot of time at church lately it seems. We volunteer in the nursery/walkers on Wednesday nights, in the Cry Room a couple of time a month, and I take a Mothers Uplifting Mothers class on Tuesday mornings with my friend Kristen. It has been so refreshing to get together with moms each week who are in the same life stage that I am and it has really made me start to realize the important job God has entrusted me with!
My friend, Kristen, said something this morning that really spoke to my heart. How awesome would it be to go back for just a day to a time when you lived and loved life as a little child. Or even to just feel that way now. To greet each day with the enthusiasm. To look outside and see all of the wonderful things that He created just for me. To love my Father as completely and unconditionally as Izzy loves me. To trust Him the way Izzy trusts me. To want to spend all my time with Him like Izzy does with me. Knowing how much I love my little girl gives me a glimpse into the depths of His love for me.....and I am encouraged to know that it doesn't even come close to measuring up!