Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Since Brian had to work on his birthday, the whole family took dessert to him and the other guys to celebrate. Brian is actually moving shifts in early June; so it was great to celebrate his time at the station before he leaves.

"The Fam" with Daddy and his birthday cookie
Izzy driving the fire truck. She loves to get in and pretend drive.
On Monday, we went to Blair to visit Brian's grandpa's grave and to visit with family. Izzy thought all of the flowers were very pretty.
After lunch, the kids set up the slip-n-slide. Even though it was a little chilly, they didn't seem to mind. Izzy wasn't too sure about sliding on her belly down the thing.....
but she eventually went! Looks like fun to me :)
She had more fun cheering on the other kids from the bottom of the slide though!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday B!

We are sending out warm birthday wishes to the best father, husband, and friend you could ever wish for. You make our life special :-) Enjoy your day tomorrow!

Love--Izzy, Jennie, Rocky, and our baby boy

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Feeling better!

After 3 days of being sick and passing it to Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Wood, Izzy is finally back to her active, happy little self. Since Mom and Dad are still getting over the flu, Izzy spent alot of time watching Dora and Diego. When Diego comes on, she sings along and runs back and forth in our living room and around the table in circles. She even said she wants a Diego cake for her birthday.
She also enjoyed going out into the backyard with Rocky to enjoy some fresh air. She is so set on "Izzy swingset, party" that she goes to the fence behind our house and forlornly stares at the kids playing on their swingset. I guess that is what she is asking for this year :)
The last pic is a picture of how we caught Rocky and Izzy one night during bedtime. After her bedtime routine, she asks that Rocky be in there for her to fall asleep. This particular night she was having a bit of trouble and invited Rocky to "sleep" with her in her bunk beds! Busted!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

After a long weekend.....

This is a pic of how Izzy feels this Monday. We had a long, fun-filled weekend going to G and G Nelson's ,Tiffy's graduation party, and then to G and G Wood's and now little Izzy is a bit under the weather. With the weather getting so nice, we have been spending quite a bit of time outside which tends to lead to more injuries. We now have a black eye from falling on the trampoline and slivers in our hand from falling on the deck. She is going to be one tough little girl by summers end. She also caught a little stomach bug and is spending her time between Dora on the couch and trying to keep some food down. She says, "Izzy hungry"; but then when she sits down is really not interested in eating anything.
Hopefully, the bug won't last long and she will be back to her playful, happy self!