I sometimes feel like Jace gets the shaft. I don't have as much time to blog about him or upload as many pictures of him like I did Izzy. I hope it is because I am too busy loving them in real time!! But I did want to let everyone know how he is growing :)
Jace is 9 months old and all over the place. He started crawling at 6.5 months just like his sister. He now pulls himself up on everything and even stands for seconds at a time. He is a big boy and loves to eat. I think he is pushing 25 pounds and will find out the verdict soon at his doctors appointments.
He loves his sister and loves to play where ever she is playing and follows her from room to room. He is a total boy though and bangs anything loudly against whatever will make noise. He is also really into balls and thinks that make music. He was a real momma's boy until lately and is starting to gain some independance especially after he has been feed and napped! He even had a great time away from me for 48 hours when I went to Chicago.
Unlike his sister, Jace isn't very vocal and seems to just sit back and observe unless it is in the car when the music is on, then he sings along :) He recently started to say a couple syllables and can say Mama! Oh how that warms my heart......